Length of green season from cloud-filtered Landsat SR

This takes as input a time-series csv file generated by Google Earth Engine of cloud-filtered Landsat Surface Reflectance NDVI from Landsats 5, 7, and 8 on a geometry such as point or polygon. The getLogs function counts the days between the first and last observations above a threshold value, for each year of data. Thus for winter growing seasons this will not be adequate.

Data can be sparse for some years due to cloudiness or missing Landsat data.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

get the data

from Earth Engine. For example, this script generates a time series from Landsat 5, 7, and 8 Surface Reflectance products on plot GBRO1 (pasture) or GBRO2 (cropland) in North Dakota.


plot locations:

GBRO1: https://atlasbiowork.com/sites/615

GBRO2: https://atlasbiowork.com/sites/616

In [2]:
#function to count days above threshold NDVI from time series data
def getLogs(self, th): #args: dataframe, threshold NDVI value
    #find first above threshold
    df['first'] = ((df.nd>=th)&((df.prev<th)|(df.prev.isnull())))
    #find last above threshold
    df['last'] = ((df.nd>=th)&((df.next<th)|(df.next.isnull())))
    #credit 16 days for single observations above threshold
    singles = df[(df['first']==True) & (df['last']==True)].nd.count()*16
    #now remove these
    df = df[~((df['first']==True) & (df['last']==True))]
    #remove all but first and last
    df = df[((df['first']==True) | (df['last']==True))]
    #get intervals between first and last
    df['nextdate'] = df.date.shift(-1)
    df['inc'] = (df['nextdate']-df['date']).dt.days #increment in days
    return int(df[df['first']==True].inc.sum()+singles)

Crop field plot

In [3]:
df = pd.read_csv('/Users/Peter/Downloads/gbro2.csv')
threshold = .25
location= 'Brown Ranch crop field, GBRO2'

In [4]:
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['system:time_start'])
df.index = df['date']
del df['system:time_start']
df = df.dropna() # drop the rows without observations (masked)
df = df[df['date'].dt.year<2018] #chop off 2018 which EE didn't do
logs = df.groupby(df['date'].dt.year).apply(getLogs,th=threshold)
count = df.groupby(df['date'].dt.year).agg({'nd':'count'})
df = logs.to_frame().join(count)
df.columns = ['days of green','number of observations']
df['rolling mean']=df['days of green'].rolling(5).mean()

days of green number of observations rolling mean
1985 80 19 NaN
1986 64 16 NaN
1987 160 15 NaN
1988 32 15 NaN
1989 112 11 89.6
1990 16 3 76.8
1991 48 13 73.6
1992 112 12 64.0
1993 32 8 64.0
1994 80 8 57.6
1995 80 10 70.4
1996 151 16 91.0
1997 121 16 92.8
1998 80 17 102.4
1999 104 30 107.2
2000 120 30 115.2
2001 128 30 110.6
2002 88 27 104.0
2003 120 22 112.0
2004 208 40 132.8
2005 247 39 158.2
2006 120 31 156.6
2007 176 26 174.2
2008 112 28 172.6
2009 200 28 171.0
2010 80 24 137.6
2011 192 27 152.0
2012 64 16 129.6
2013 160 25 139.2
2014 168 30 132.8
2015 184 31 153.6
2016 160 32 147.2
2017 232 29 180.8

In [5]:
df.plot(figsize=(15,10), grid=True, lw=5, title='Days of Landsat NDVI above '+str(threshold)+' at '+location)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x14bcabf49e8>

Pasture plot

In [6]:
df = pd.read_csv('/Users/Peter/Downloads/gbro1.csv')
threshold = .25
location= 'Brown Ranch pasture, GBRO1'

In [7]:
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['system:time_start'])
df.index = df['date']
del df['system:time_start']
df = df.dropna() # drop the rows without observations (masked)
df = df[df['date'].dt.year<2018] #chop off 2018 which EE didn't do
logs = df.groupby(df['date'].dt.year).apply(getLogs,th=threshold)
count = df.groupby(df['date'].dt.year).agg({'nd':'count'})
df = logs.to_frame().join(count)
df.columns = ['days of green','number of observations']
df['rolling mean']=df['days of green'].rolling(5).mean()

days of green number of observations rolling mean
1985 144 19 NaN
1986 80 16 NaN
1987 128 14 NaN
1988 80 15 NaN
1989 64 13 99.2
1990 0 4 70.4
1991 0 13 54.4
1992 48 12 38.4
1993 32 9 28.8
1994 80 8 32.0
1995 80 10 48.0
1996 167 17 81.4
1997 160 17 103.8
1998 176 15 132.6
1999 200 29 156.6
2000 160 31 172.6
2001 200 32 179.2
2002 136 27 174.4
2003 120 25 163.2
2004 176 38 158.4
2005 256 36 177.6
2006 136 32 164.8
2007 192 28 176.0
2008 176 26 187.2
2009 184 27 188.8
2010 200 29 177.6
2011 192 35 188.8
2012 192 19 188.8
2013 192 26 192.0
2014 248 34 204.8
2015 224 36 209.6
2016 232 34 217.6
2017 232 28 225.6

In [8]:
df.plot(figsize=(15,10), grid=True, lw=5, title='Days of Landsat NDVI above '+str(threshold)+' at '+location)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x14bcab486d8>